For the distance runner who ...
-Is struggling to run.
-Is limping out of bed in the morning.
-Is down, depressed, despondent and feels like they have lost their identity!
-Can't see an end in sight, has seemingly tried everything, feels overweight and unhealthy,
-Has now lost the passion for running as it's nothing but painful and is about to give up!
Here is how to conquer Achilles Tendinopathy in 90 days or less?
This is a course designed to educate one so they can independently and confidently manage their Achilles better long term and enjoy their running again.
What's included in the course?
-The common mistakes/myths.
-How to monitor your pain and how to work out when you should do more or less?
-Access to a private facebook group for all members to help each other out and to have access to me.
-A thorough education on all things 'tendons',
-An achilles strength exercise and return to run program that can be independently tailored for all levels,
-A resource library of all the most relevant/current achilles litreture.
-And more...
So, if you have achilles pain with running.
You feel you will never run pain free again.
Running remains a chore, you feel your best running is behind you.
You have tossed aside your running dreams and aspirations.
Post work runs are no longer glorious and meditative.
Your mental and physical health is suffering. .
...and as a result your family/work and overall happiness is to!
This course will help you...
Not only run painfree again
or walk freely out of bed
The hope is that this program will inevitably reunite you with your social running groups and give you your identity and happiness back!
Improve your mental and physical health
Re-unite you with the euphoria of running again,
Re-ignite your passion for running,
Be a happier dad/ hubby
Perform better at work.
Finally give you some light at the end of the tunnel.
Help you start setting, believing and achieving bigger and better running goals.
eg. Plan for a Pb - Run a marathon - Run a ultra